Your Sacred Soul Journey

What a moment in time you have chosen to come down on Earth. Life can feel like a challenge, it can feel hard, it can feel painful. Like truly heart scattering hurt, whirlwinds of chaotic tsunamis. And maybe you can feel lost in ways. Lost your childlike giggly innocence. Your play & joy. Wondering ‘where did I lost myself’.

You can discover yourself inside of yourself.

I know you are here for a reason, a very important one. So are you ready to go for a Mystical ride and let yourself be guided by oceans of love? To use your pain, struggles and deep feelings as an inner fire to create more beauty instead of more suffering.

Are you ready to go within? Then I am here right by your side guiding you with Mystic realms of Body, Soul and the unconsciousness.

Making visible what wants to be seen and attuning yourself to the invisible worlds.

You have your own unique cycles, rhythms and songs of power

Inside this pathway, you can discover your own unique Sacred Soul Journey. To discover gateways of roots, wisdom and love within your Body and Being.

If we keep listening to the ways outside of us our inner river can dry up. Creating struggles and suffering in your outside world

Your life is a mirror of your inner World.

It is time to step into co-creation with Source.

It is time to breathe life back into your Body, Heart and Soul.

Your ancient songs of power, hidden within, are waiting to create new magical worlds.

Welcome to the Sacred Soul Journey

Dear one, This Sacred Soul Journey is for you when you want to discover ancient ways of being in these modern times. Inside this 1-1 journey, designed specifically for you, we will discover & unlock new doors within your awareness, emotional wisdom, universal laws and the sacred art of being alive in your body. This world can feel crazy and distract you from who you really are.

This journey is the antidote.

What is possible for you after the Sacred Soul Journey?

A deep sense of connection with yourself and life

Having your own solid foundation and feeling anchored in your body

Making clear choices from within

Expressing your Yes and No

Embracing your inner strength

Experience deep peace and confidence

You know how to make rituals for yourself, connect with your guides and feel Spirit very close in your day-to-day life


Being with you is like being in a different world, it is like being in this calm bubble where you can ground very softly in your body. I have been given a 'treasure chest' full of tools that allow me to sink deeper into myself. This makes me better able to follow my path of my heart's desire.

What can you expect from the Sacred Soul journey?

  • You can learn to deepen your extra sensory skills

  • Releasing old emotions from the body, to create more space for love and trust

  • Remember how you can communicate with the language of your Body

  • Learn how to journey in trance to deepen the connection with your soul

  • Access to your power and radiating this in your life

  • Connecting with your ancestors through constellation work

  • Access to deeper unconscious patterns through Hypnosis work

  • Creating your own unique rituals for clearing

  • Learning to clear your own system, mind and house

  • Learning how to connect with your sensitivity as a power

Our Services

The full Sacred Soul Journey

Transformational energy work, remembrance, surrender and devotion for the path of your soul. Becoming your own strong solid foundation. Rediscover your own unique relationship with your body as a doorway to receive love.

Six sessions at my home in Hoogmade.

6 sessions of 150 euro = 900 euro

The Sacred Soul Journey 1-1 session

Transformational energy work, remembrance, surrender and devotion for the path of your soul.

1,5 - 2 hour session in Hoogmade 155 euro

The Sacred Journey full 1-1 retreat day

This is for you if you desire a beautiful day in nature, with herbal medicine, to become clear on the path of your Soul. To awaken yourself inside of your body. Becoming deeply aware of yourself and your power.

555 euro

Reviews van de sessies

  • Willemijn echt bijzonder wat je doet en wat je vrouwen brengt. Ik vind het bijzonder je op mijn pad bent gekomen en ben je heel dankbaar.

  • Mooie Willemijn, dank voor je mooie woorden, de zachtheid in je stem, je neemt mij mee naar ruimte, veilige bedding, samen, zo fijn. Voor het eerst sinds tijden dat ik bij volle maan een goede nachtrust heb gehad en hoe fijn te bemerken dat de warmte nog voelbaar was vanochtend. Maar zo stapje voor stapje, maak/voel ik steeds meer verbinding met m’n baarmoeder/Yoni. Vanochtend even met m’n aandacht weer daar, en ik voelde nog meer warmte stromen, het werd groter, het verspreidde zich, zij stroomt.

  • Toen je jouw handen op mijn baarmoeder legde, opende zij zich en wilde ze dat je keek. Het voelt alsof ik in mijn diepste gezien ben. Jij was daar, met mijn hoofd niet te bevatten, maar in mijn gevoel. Voorbij woorden. Het zalven van mijn ziel.

  • Ik heb meer zachtheid in mijn leven mogen ontvangen/ aangebracht. De mannelijke energie had vaak de overhand. Overprikkelen, versnellen/ AAN-staan, presteren, het uiterste uit mezelf halen tijdens het sporten, alles geven in mijn werk. Ja ik kan ook heerlijk niets doen, maar het was voor mijn gevoel niet in balans.

  • Wauw! Heel fijn hoe Willemijn zich direct in kan intunen in jouw lijf, jouw energieveld en je vrouwenlijn. Ze voelt precies wat er speelt en wat je nodig hebt op dit moment, in je lijf, vrouwenlijn en energieveld. En geeft hierbij ook de nodige 'instructies' om daarmee aan de slag te gaan. Ze wist contact te maken met mijn overleden oma(die ik nooit gekend heb) en haar uit te nodigen in de healing. In de energetische healing wist ze mooi in te tunen in mijn hart en baarmoeder, ondersteunend met al mijn voormoeders. Heel dankbaar voor deze sessie en Willenmijn!🤍

  • Je hebt mij geholpen met het opzetten van een meer stevige basisfundering. Waardoor ik ruimte voor mezelf kan innemen en kritische noten vanuit mijn omgeving meer liefdevol kan opvangen en doorvoelen, zonder van mijn eigen pad af te wijken. Ik mag hierin nog meer stappen gaan zetten, maar alles op zijn tijd 🙏

  • Today I had my last session of my journey with Willemijn. What a transformation I've been through, while you've been by my side the entire period. I have received / applied more softness in my life. The masculine energy often prevailed. Overstimulating, accelerating / being ON, performing, getting the most out of myself during sports, giving everything in my work. Yes, I can also do nothing, but it was not in balance for my feeling. When I was hard on myself, you brought even more softness. I've learned to slow down and relax. Which is especially important in this fast-paced society with an abundance of incentives. I also learned to connect more deeply with my body. What does my body need and what does my body want to tell me. I have been given a 'treasure chest' full of tools that allow me to sink deeper into myself. This makes me better able to follow my path from my heart's desire.