Being in love with life

Thriving in your life and relationships. Coming home in yourself. Returning to the ancient wisdom that is wanting to move through you.

Wise Wings - Healing & Remembrance

Welcome Dear one,

To this journey called live. Wise Wings is a place to come back to your true self, to the whispers of your soul. It is my joy and passion to create a safe space for you to feel deeply & support you on your path of being more you.

Through the gateways of your intelligent Body you can discover the Ancient ways inside Sacred Soul 1-1 journeys, energy-work, Wise & Cosmic studies and Aware parenting Guidance.

Because truly? it can feel really good to be in your body and feel how & when your system, body, energy is in its natural state.

To be in service of your growth there are two different PATHWAYS you can take

Discover them below

  • Pathway 1: The Sacred Soul Journey

    This pathway is for you if you desire to open for the wonders of your Body as a gateway for connecting in your own roots.

    Find your way back to yourself through creating a rooted home in your body. Feeling deeply connected to your Soul, Spirit and Life.

    After this journey you know your own Energy Signature, your power and you will have rituals that guide you back to your own source.

    You can choose the Sacred journey with 1 0r 6 sessions or a full day retreat.

  • Pathway 2: Guidance in Raising children with awareness and joy

    You know it takes a village to raise children.

    This pathway is for you if you desire to unravel your unique ways of parenting. Creating connections with your children based on trust, playfulness and love. Resolving trauma that stands in the way of being present and able to enjoy parenting.

    For feeling peace within parenting and creating beautiful memories.

Book a session

1-1 Energy Work

Do you feel you have a desire to become deeply intimate with yourself? To follow your own path and dive deeply into making the invisible visible? Then you are in the right place.

You are a Human Being made of energy, so beautiful as the stars you see in the night sky. You have come for a reason on this mystical earth. To love deeply, to have courage to discover hidden places within yourself and to dream of a more beautiful world.

Within an energy session we will explore the invisible world and receive what wants to become visible for you.

In what ways can I support you?

We will work on releasing old emotions and old frozen stories inside your system. We can work with hypnosis journey’s to find new doors to your patterns, habits and challenges

I can translate your energy field for you into images and words. With my extrasensory abilities I can help you unlock hidden doors and gifts.

One session is live or offline.

The session is 90 min and is 155 euro.

Healing Meditations

For landing back with yourself and your Body awareness.

This will be a library that is ever evolving and for you to come back to when you need guidance.

Words after a session

Feeling my little girl again who wants to play, dance and be creative. It was super special how Willemijn could immediately feel/tune in with my body and my blockages.

Connecting you with the sparkle within yourself is one of the greatest gifts for me.

Everyone who comes to me has the desire to return to something greater than themselves, to Soul, to Source, to Earth.

I am a seer, medium and guide. I will help you to see. I help you to feel and to become so sensitive and attune to the path of ‘what is waiting for you’.

When I see the sparkle again after a session, the connection with the body and your soul, my heart jumps. Really my own work is so important to me, I am happy to be in service for you to create a world with more freedom, joy and safety in our bodies and family lives.

I have a deep love for Children and seeing through their eyes. For me my little one is one of my biggest Teachers in live. I would love to guide you to find your own way inside parenting and raising thriving children. To guide you as a medium on the path of your Soul and Power.

Your Guide: Willemijn Eva

Book a session or a longer journey below

Reach out to me, share and we will help you find support.

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Every month I write a Love Letter.

With a stories, new special workshops or surprising themes.